Time-Marked Warlock is a gripping, fast-paced urban fantasy that introduces Adair Finch, a warlock with a tortured past and unparalleled magical abilities. After retreating from his career as a private investigator, Finch is drawn back into action when a young witch, Bree Blackstone, desperately seeks his help following her mother’s murder.

The plot pulls you in from the first page, blending supernatural elements with a gritty mystery. Finch is a complex character, haunted by a past failure that cost him his brother, which adds emotional depth to his reluctant return to the world of magic and crime-solving. Bree is a feisty, determined companion who brings both heart and urgency to the story.

The world-building is solid, with a diverse cast of creatures and magical beings that keep things interesting. Finch’s encounters with vampires, werewolves, and fae royalty add a rich backdrop to the primary mystery. The stakes are high, and the tension builds nicely as Finch realizes something darker is at play than he originally thought.

What I loved most about this book is the balance of action, emotion, and magic. Finch’s journey from isolation to embracing his powers again is compelling, and the relationship between him and Bree adds warmth to the otherwise dark narrative. If you’re into supernatural thrillers with a seasoned, reluctant hero, Time-Marked Warlock will keep you hooked until the last page.

Definitely recommend this one for fans of urban fantasy!