Harmon Cooper sure knows how to improve a dark and stormy night. He throws in a naked girl! Ok, so that is not what the story is about, and the tale is a fun action packed mutant-fest, but the naked gal sure is one heck of a piece of bait to get you on his hook. And once you’ve bitten, he just reels you in with ease. The “hero” is a writer you might just recognize, with a friend that you might just recognize, who meets two hot ladies (you won’t recognize tem, but if you somehow do you are very lucky) who are in danger. It seems they are living experiments raised by a top secret governental agency. And now they are obsolete. Grace and Veronique are fun little killers, ah, um, I mean wonderful maidens in need of a hand. Thankfully, Gideon is there to lend them one. The story takes off like a blend of Stranger Things and the X-men with Gideon playing the role of the leader in spite of his lack of powers. One thing I realy like is how Harmon Cooper plays this book as if it is autobiographical. It sort of reminded me of the Nightmare People by Lawrence Watt-Evans. He did the same thing with monsters, and that was great fun too. Harmon knows how to keep your attention, and pace his story. He never lets you get complacent, and sometimes it feels like the ground is rolling beneath you. Moving ahead without taking a step.

I do need to remark on the changes made by Soundbooth Theater. This book is a great mix of the whole team. I loved the way the ladies were mixed in with the narration by Justin James. Normally, this is the part that I would be praising Jeff Hays (who has a minor role in this production), and saying how he is my favorite narrator and how well he and Harmon mix together, but since we have an entire team I have to admit that although I missed Hays as a major contributor the team really brought their A-Game and crushed the whole project. I have to say that this was a total home run and anticipate seeing more projects like this in the future. Even though I did receive a promo code for this review it in no way influenced my considerations of the material, and in fact, inspired me to be more honest. In fact, getting a code generally makes me harsher as a reviewer as I am more often concerned what someone like Me will decide based on my review.

I would love to see more of Grace, Veronique, and Gideon in the future!

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