on book 3 right now. And I’m having more and more trouble caring about anything happening.

In book one they reveal that the main character, Quinton has tech that might make him go crazy. he spends the entire book arguing and eavesdropping on everyone, which is apparently a way to earn trust in this universe. I couldn’t help feeling that realistically someone probably would have reacted defensivly or more hostile to him, and since the only thing he seems to know how to do is escalate… Also I don’t understand how his tech is supposed to work. it powers itself and in effect is a processor but relies on external power and processing. Don’t even get me started on “lowering the frame rate,” whoever wrote this clearly doesn’t understand what that means.

Book 2 sets up the actual plot, because in book 1, while all of the elements are introduced they don’t really explain anything. 1/2 way through the book Quinton’s still being a selfish ass, though his character seems to have changed dramatically. His actions still don’t mesh with his past. his entire attitude seems wrong. we’re also introduced to an enemy who is controlling things from the shadows, which would be fine except their actions make absolutely no sense, and don’t really benefit anyone, including themselves.

Book 3 sigh, I can’t even critique this book without giving spoilers. I will say that the enemy’s capabilities seem to be great enough that they don’t need to adopt such a convoluted plan, and I’m sure Quinton’s actions (or inactions) should realistically gotten everyone killed by 1/2 way through. also, there is a whole lot more wrong with the back story, I’m hoping that the author will address that with some plot twists. But I want to hit Quinton with a shovel.

At this point I can’t figure out what the villain’s plan is, what he hopes to gain, why he has done anything. And if the person who originally opposed him actually didn’t make things worse. but mostly, why is this even happening? shadow puppet governments that don’t actually control anything are pointless. SO WHY?!?! as far as I can tell the bad guy just wants to pee in everyone’s Cheerios just because he can.