honestly I don’t know how this has such high ratings. There are just way too many things that are either way too unbelievable or done so poorly it ruins the story. I had to stop.
To start with the zombies in this book are way too weak to have destroyed the whole world. They are the type that anyone who played high-school sports and access to a hard object could take down 1v1, much less the American millitaty.
The main character, despite the nickname savage, is very unimpressive and had little to no ingenuity. The man let his worst enemy, a man who has killed multiple people close to him including his wife and child, go. With the only reason being it wouldent have been honorable to kill him yet.
The combat is hilarious unplanned and consists entirely of, we are going to bust in and start shooting/swinging.
Where I had to stop: It finally got through the first set of problems and good guy gets the girl and new son to ride off into the sunset with… Very next thing to happen, the girls old husband who abandoned his family well before the virus struck is suddenly back in town looking to reunite with the family he abandoned because he just loves and misses them so much… I have no intrest in finding out what kind of stupid BS that is going to bring about. I’m out.