I have absolutely adored everything about this series up to this book, but this one must surely be the pinnacle of the series. It starts out with a bang and keeps coming and coming and coming. It mixes deeper themes so flawlessly with its chaotic action and off the wall humor. It truly is consistently hilarious. The climax is the best of the series and left me laughing, crying, and cheering throughout the whole thing. The crazy twists and plans all throughout this masterpiece are so masterfully conveyed to the reader in a way that we understand what is happening but don’t have the executions spoiled.

The narration is the best that any audiobook will ever manage with such an incredible range in Jeff Hayes — if Donut and the AI (and honestly every possible character that doesn’t have to be actually acted out) are voiced by anyone but him, the coming show will be significantly worse off for it.

My only regret about this series is that I will only get to experience it for the first time just once. Hey maybe dementia won’t be so bad if I forget even a few details about this truly masterful book and get the privilege of experiencing them anew.

Like wtf even the end credits are funny af. Make sure you listen to them!