MC Finch is retired and a recluse who doesn’t even take care of himself, which 12 year old, Bree Blackstone calls him on when he opens his door to her pleas for help. I loved her asking him if he was a hobo. Bree needs Finch to help solve her mother’s murder and help find her Papa, who was taken by the killer.

This book jump starts into action and I really enjoyed the way the narration worked to make it feel like a radioplay. (I freaking love SoundBooth Theater.)

Finch wants to be a hard core Warlock, but he’s so squishy. I love that he can’t say no to Bree. This was a great read, but I’m not sure it would be as great without Bree and Kull, so more books in the series would need to have them along for the ride too, thankfully that looks possible. Kull is utterly delightful. I have a thing for trickster gods and spirits of mischief tick that box just fine for me.