The story is good, solid, with no glaring issues. I wasn’t expecting a really interesting story, based on the fact that all 3 books were packaged together and offered inexpensively. However, I was pleasantly surprised. Both author and audiobook production were very good, with no issues other than that book 3, chapter 82 is messed up. I’m not sure what happened. I re-downloaded the book, as words were missing and there were strange gaps in between sentences. The second download, as well as streaming through my Echo produced the same results. Otherwise, I’d have given 5 stars in all three categories.

I did not listen to this book with anyone in mind but myself, so I won’t comment on appropriateness for kids or whatever. There is very little discussed in the nature of relationships and, if there was any language, I ignored it, since it’s ubiquitous in most things. I don’t recall it here, but I tend to forget those kind of things. I’d recommend this series (and will!) to my friends and family. If you’re looking for harems or romance, then wrong series. If you want a well written story that will keep you listening through 3 books, well, this is the correct series. I can only hope you enjoy it as much as I did!