All the books I have read/listened to so far have been fairly formulaic. That doesn’t bother me. In fact I enjoy it sometimes because sometimes I like to listen/read whilst doing something or in crowded environments (ie. airports) so I don’t want anything too taxing for those times.
The characters are good. The story is good. It’s all good. If you like Tom Abrahams other books you will like these.
A lot of men seem to be a bit upset by these books (read the reviews if you want to read men getting bent out of shape by strong female protagonists LOL) but I applaud Mr. Abrahams for writing some female characters that simpering women having conniptions every time something awful happens. I am also seeing a lot of men (and some women too) complaining that too much attention is given to the main protagonists internal monologue. I didn’t even recognise that this would be an issue. I understood that he was a haunted man and getting inside his mind was required to understand the story. I guess some people just want to read books about nothing but action. Pity.