Larissa Reinhart writes an intricate, fast-moving storyline with VERY well-developed characters. This installment finds Maizie still working at A.S.S. (Albright Security Solutions) and is feeling typecast as honey trap bait while Nashville is working at DeerNose as a security expert, trying to uncover DeerNose secrets. The secret he is trying to uncover (and keep from Maizie) unfortunately crosses paths with the mystery that Maizie finds herself enmeshed. You have to read to find out: Where is the very last place Maizie expects to find Nash’s Silverado hidden? Which of the seven deadly sins does Maizie think Boomer is guilty? Which female does Maizie spy Nash eating pancakes with at the Waffle Haus late at night? What is a bullmastiff and why is it have the name Cuddles, and why is it eating a car? Joan Dukore is excellent as narrator and brings Maizie to life. I love this series!
Review from 19 Criminals: A Romantic Comedy Mystery Novel →