As a Feminist a part of me really wants to tear this book a new one, but the greater part of me really enjoyed this book and eagerly await the next in the series. That said It’s something of a guilty pleasure.

A Male character surrounded by beautiful women with a few of those women being interested in him and being willing to share. It’s a pretty obvious male power fantasy but it’s executed so well that I really don’t care. Despite this these female characters are well-written and not just empty character only here to look good. Each character has an actual character and are written as being the brains behind the protagonist who realizes this and doesn’t try to act like they aren’t important to him.

The Main character is a slave owner but he doesn’t try to say that he’s a good guy. In fact while others may try to tell him that’s he’s a good guy he reiterates throughout that he’s a bad man. But even then he does have a sense of nobility that allows the reader/listening to like him in spite of being a morally villainous protagonist.

As always spreadsheet and character sheets in audio form are terrible.