This is one of those examples where it might be better read than heard. It is an isekai story that is also attempting to be a Christ origin parody. At least I think that was the intention but it is hard to be certain as the story seems to be a compiled collection of common character tropes that are overblown to the extreme, put through a blender of mediocre storytelling (show don’t tell) and then vomitted out for the world to consume. The voice actor demonstrates incredible talent with miriad voices, but unfortunately there are just too many. It is almost like the actor is using the story as demo tape to show off his incredible talent, rather than to facilitate the storytelling, which in a way makes sense given the substandard story. The dialog is painful and this is made worse by significant secondary character that is essentially Hans & Franz – but even more annoying. I gave up about half way through as I found the convoluted story combined with the annoying voices to be too much.