I’ve listened to the previous 2 books. There were issues that distracted me (juvenile inner dialogue, 21 year old with model-looks who is better than all other seasoned analysts who happens the be the presidents “niece” 🙄) but I was mostly entertained.
This book has a major hole in the story. The government has days warning about a product that will hit the market at a precise location and time that will cause a great amount of death and destruction, yet they don’t send anyone in (DEA would be a prime option) to confiscate the product. Instead they gather a team of former special operators and prepare to deal with the upcoming carnage. Again, they do not remove the cause which anyone with arms, a truck and a dolly could do – given they have DAYS of advanced knowledge- but they gather a team of individuals to do non sanctioned work. I immediately turned the book off when the hit you over the head foreshadowing of “not enough zip ties for all the people of Las Vegas” came. I’m sure a crazy (but avoidable) action packed sequence is coming. I cannot overlook this lame story any more.