Ruthless Ends, the final installment in The Marionettes series, delivers a satisfying conclusion to Valerie’s journey, although it wasn’t my personal favorite. Valerie can be a bit frustrating at times, with her tendency to wallow in self-pity. I found myself wanting to shake her and tell her to get a grip and take charge of her situation.
While the series overall is a captivating blend of dark fantasy and romance, this book felt slightly less compared to its predecessors. Despite this minor criticism, the plot remains intriguing with enough twists and turns to keep you hooked.
Fans of the series will undoubtedly appreciate the closure “Ruthless Ends” provides, tying up loose ends and offering a glimpse into the future for these beloved characters. Even with its minor flaws, I wholeheartedly recommend the entire Marionettes series for anyone seeking a captivating dark fantasy adventure.