Story was great.

Brought low by some truly awful cheap sound effects and the second male narrator. I find it hard to believe that he was directed to make several characters sound like they are yawning constantly. evey word of every sentence he utters sounds like its slipping out of a yawn.

there’s a handful of audio annoyances like making smacking sounds when people eat, the weird gurgle scream everytime the mc talks to his ghost and they switch bodies, a squelching sound everytime they mention the slime.

jeff hayes was great though and the female narrator was excellent, and thats why the performance was rated 2* instead of 1*

The plot was good, harmon cooper writes a fun story and there are some teases at world and character building not a lot gets revealed in this book but the bones of a solid story are present.

I am truly undecided on if I’ll even bother trying the next inatallment of this series if there isn’t a change in the audio.