this project transhuman anthology was fantastic. it was a phenomenally fresh take on that recurring theme across generations of syfy writers: how can man use technology to extend life and eben possi ly achieve immortality. the twists and turns, the humanizing of mechanical beings with personality traits and talents by careful, rational blending of existing personalities to “create” new people from a limited set of archetypes? Brilliant! The introduction of an extinction level event at the cusp of making AI actually intelligent instead of just a parrot with options like we have today. Fantastic. the political intrigue of those just trying to be good “people” being used by secret, malevolent nefarious actors carrying out maliscious plots, all while other secret societies try to “save” extinct humanity through developing as of yet un discovered technologies.
fantastic listen. 10/10. I absolutely would watch the movie, but I think it would have to be made by robots in order to be worth watching.