So, obviously you get this kind of book with a specific hope in mind, and this book is absolutely spicy, don’t get me wrong. It’s even well-written and plenty, which is a rare find. but I have two specific issues that made me not finish this.
1. I think the author is allergic to conflict. Without spoiling anything, there are two main conflict/issues points, and both of them are resolved by just ¯_(ツ)_/¯. There are no consequences or disagreements that last longer than 6 and a half in-story seconds. It’s extremely unsatisfying to have build up without a payout. Everyone just accepts whatever happens.
2. The “main” character is a wet sock. He is so boring and lacks any kind of personality or morals. Usually I wouldn’t care, but for 21 hours of content, yeah, I need a little more. (Maybe mild spoilers) This dude gets basically dragged into so many sexual situations that reeks of lack of consent and discussion (even though there is TECHNICALLY a written reason for it, but really, come on) and his only response is again:¯_(ツ)_/¯
so yeah, I returned this one. It’s for some people and it will definitely scratch a certain itch very well, but it gave me 3 more places that needed to be scratched for every one it satisfied.