This book is not for men. It’s for women that have a fantasy of taking control of a very strong and very deadly man, like some perverted version of a soft porn anime. Be prepared to be disappointed from the very beginning. Although the character does have decent depth, it doesn’t matter because the writer has bossbsbe and independent strong women, blah blah, blah feminism blah blah blah. I tell you what to do blah, blah, blah. How dare you even though you just risked your life to save me blah, blah blah.

A majority of the reviews that are on Amazon are fake. I don’t know who they are. Or why they give them 5 stars, but anyone reading this book that has a set of nuts and an Italian sausage between their legs? It’s gonna throw up in their mouth the moment they read. The first encounter with the first female character introduced. ….

It gets better. He’s literally bound by some blood oath that he didn’t take that someone before him took that He has to follow suit because he’s in that person’s body… yes I know it’s freaking stupid… but here we are…

this one is for the writer, go fuck yourself and grow some balls. Why don’t wrote a book were The MC is an free willed individual and not a groveling idiot.