This should be under the romance category as the entire eight books were all sappy and Brooke just always went on and on about her feelings all the time and then it went on and on about the same feelings again from John’s point of view- which was the exact same as Brooks so we just had to hear it again every single time .I had to push the fast-forward button so many times when Brooke started and her character drove me insane with her constant “My son” “My son” all the time so much so that if I hear the words “My son” again come out of anybody’s mouth that I know I’m gonna lose it.
If it was a drinking game with having to drink every time you hear the words, “my son,” you wouldn’t make it through the first three pages . I couldn’t stand this series, but I bought the whole eight pack and I refuse to quit a book so I suffered through it but nobody says “my son” that much-just use his name. I don’t think he even used the words” he” or “him” to refer to this kid throughout the entire book.. I know the author has a daughter, so does he always refer to her as “my daughter, “ and not by her name or ever use “she” or “her?” i’d be interested to know how many times the words, “My son” were used in each book, if only to prove my point.