it’s a fun and corny premise. Could have been a dirty pleasure of mindless fun. But so many problems with the writing. Firstly, the authors don’t seem to have heard of the writing rule of, ‘Coincidence can get your hero into trouble but should never get them out of it’. Quite a few times I left thinking that. Plus, as another reviewer pointed out, there are several places that feel exist. And in that vein, why create a bad ass style CIA covert operative skilled in undercover work if you’re just gonna spend most of book having her defer to and faun over the young 20ish ecoactovist/hipster? There were several places where, I think, the authors thought they adding perhaps depth? for lack of a better word, to the story. But, it was merely convoluted. It was like, ‘dudes, this is a story about zombie dinosaurs, you’re overthinking’ Plus a more straight forward real world answer would have often times made more sense and allowed your story to suspend some disbelief. The authors also seem to often forget what characters knew which other characters, and what info they already knew or didn’t know. And perhaps worst of all, they seemed to have done little to no research for the book, as other reviewers have pointed out. The factual inaccuracies again make it harder for the reader to suspend disbelief. Bottom line, do I regret reading it? Eh, not really. It’s OK. like I said a fun and cheesy premise. Now, I paid on sale, 20$ for all 3 books of the series. Do I regret that? Yes…yes I do. I would have been much more content if I had paid 10 or even 5.