Okay, first: the female narrator’s voice was annoying. I thought I’d give it another go for this book but turns out I couldn’t stand her voice or how she seemed to always be whining and upset about something, even when the character isn’t supposed to be upset. Second: the actual storyline was so lacking. It seemed like the author just threw things together and made a book out of it. At least with the first book it mostly kept me intrigued, but this book just seemed to drag on and on when it could have been shorter without all the fluff the author added in. It absolutely added nothing of value to the book and just made it annoying. And don’t even get me started on Callie’s character. The man could slap her and I’m positive she’d forgive him. Just STOPPPPPP making weak women characters that give in and forgive a man simply because he can make you orgasm. Callie is weak and simple and not the type of character I like reading about. I like capable and clever females, which is the opposite of Callie. She goes on and on about catching the person who killed her father and has breakdowns over it but somehow is just all cool with her boyfriend being the killer!? Oh and that he spent weeks on an island and DENIED her clothes?! Oh and faked her birth control so he could essentially force her into a pregnancy!? Oh and tattoo her against her will!?! I mean I can go on and on. I’m all for possessive and obsessed MMC in books, in fact I love it, but this crap storyline was garbage. At the very least, let her get in a few punches and have a sharp tongue so we readers can feel validated that she’s not a doormat. All in all, the book sucked.