American Survivor: American Apocalypse, Book I by AJ Newman and narrated by Kevin Pierce and an unaccredited female vocal talent. This is a fun new series in the EMP genre. The audiobook is rather timely right now with the current world events and the ever-increasing global tensions. This book is not about the EMP or what caused it, who the president is, or their politics. This is the story of Joe Harp, a tragic character from Murfreesboro; TN. Joe is a man who, in a short period of time has lost his best friend and fiancé in a tragic accident. But as they were found dead in his truck it was not that bad. Then he suffered the loss of his Grandmother who he called every week and spent summers with as a child.

Joe inherits a large tract of land in Oregon and decides to start life over there. Being a good auto shop mechanic he knows he can work anywhere he wants. His Grandmother left him a binder of letters to read to help him through life over the next year. His grandparents were preppers. While following her directions on one of the first letters he meets a beautiful Raven haired woman who works at the local sporting goods store dealing with the Sheriff with an eviction notice. He is drawn to her but it is too soon. Little does he realize that Coby feels the same way. Not much later the lights go out and survival begins.

The narration by Kevin Pierce was just awesome. When it comes to the Post Apocalyptic genre he is the go-to vocal talent. Mr. Pierce is able to voice the feelings of the characters in these horrific situations he has this perfect voice for the genre. He can quickly get you invested in the story and the characters. The audience is along for the journey with characters and most loving every minute of it. I wish the female vocal talent was credited because she really added to the story as Joe Harps Grandmother reading those letters from beyond the grave. Some made you laugh, some made you think, and some made you shudder and want to bleach your eyes. But she added to the story in a great way. The production quality of this audiobook is also topnotch. I recommend giving this title a listen if you are a fan of Kevin Pierce, A.J. Newman, EMP Survival Fiction, or Post Apocalyptic Fiction. I enjoyed every minute of this Audiobook and can not wait for book 2. I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.