To anyone who thinks that the scenario laid out in the first (prequel) book is rubbish, I wish you well in your home under a rock. To everyone else: I’m afraid it’s already begun. We have cameras on every corner, in every business, and on everyone’s front door (Ring, etc.) We have appliances connected to our wireless networks, laptops and monitors with cameras that have already been used to spy on unknowing victims, albeit for sexual reasons. We have smart hubs that listen all the time for someone to say “Alexa” or “Siri” or “Hey Google,” so that they can answer a question or turn on the lights in the living room. And let’s not forget people like Edward Snowden that have leaked documents proving that all of our conversations, social media posts, emails, web searches, and phone calls are under surveillance at all times. So, it seems to me that the groundwork has already been laid for another entity to come in and turn all of this surveillance against us.

Therefore, to me, the scenarios here are very plausible and provide terrifying food for thought.

This series is also very well written, with good character development and well timed action. I must admit that I was a little bored at the very beginning, but that changed only a few chapters in. There is a rather melancholy note to the book, at least for the scenes set in the city where the Chinese have the strongest holds, but there are moments of fun and well timed humor sprinkled in to lighten the mood.

As for the narration, Kevin Pierce is fantastic as always.