Thank goodness the other reviews didn’t exaggerate about the sex scenes and bdsm. Despite this being a single damn book with over 20 hours, this is def on the ‘listen again’ list.

I’ll pass over that then, because these relationships do actually develop, with Dylan usually being the instigator. And there were little, or big, reminders of boundaries and things to keep in mind that just made me feel safe.

There were concerned and engaged side characters that fleshed out their lives and it just made something that really, really, really should have been a slog with its length and subject matter combo just… not.

Narrators were really different, but I enjoyed them a lot. Definitely enjoyed the alpha centric narrator more (sorry first time listening to them and I keep forgetting to memorize their names before these dang reviews).

The plot is minimal, but damn does it get wild. Was not expecting that and I love me some violence in my smut!

No where near everyone’s cup of tea, but it was definitely mine.