If many people act as the main character “Jim” I hope I am one of the first to perish. He is a shoot first ask questions later (maybe). And the sad thing is, MANY of the troubles he encounters were brought about by his quick shooting. This downfall of the US is what happens if the power grid is taken down. Within the first 24 hours the main character, who thinks himself as a good moral person, is breaking down doors, stealing and has killed his first victim. I lost count of the body count by the time he reaches home but likely north of a dozen people dead by his hand. His only resolution to any problem or challenge is to reach for his gun which he totally idolizes. Jim will do ANYTHING to protect his family with 0 regard to other families other than close friends who are also big gun totters. While I am not against guns and even own a few myself. I do not see me carrying them on me all the time and using them at the drop of a hat as Jim does.