I love series, but I usually hate it when they end, especially when they end abruptly. But this one, this one ended beautifully. Yes there’s a new romance, but there’s also ending bits for all the Puppy Pile guys. There’s growth which isn’t usually seen in the other series’ I’ve read.

And d@mn it all of Scott didn’t make me cry twice! I didn’t even cry in his book, but in this one, lol, twice!!

Can’t wait to read more from this author.

The narrator changed and the dom’s voices were more in line with what I mentally pictured, and the accents for Pietro and Scott made sense, but by this time I had grown accustomed to Thomas’ nerdy professor voice from the first six books and kinda missed it.

Thank you for a wonderful series that was full of tenderness, compassion, trust, honesty, and education. I have no idea if this is an accurate representation of RL BDSM in the gay community. I want to hope it is. But at the very least it has (in very positive ways) opened my eyes to many things. Kink is not negative. Even the more severe pain aspects can be extremely tender and loving when done right, with the right foundation of trust and love. That BDSM isn’t about, or at least shouldn’t be about, anger, low self worth on the part of either person, or corporal punishment to show who has the upper hand. It’s about community, chosen family, acceptance, love, tenderness, care, honesty in what turns you on, and above all trust. That’s not what I thought my first BDSM novel was going to be about. I didn’t realize I’d learn so much that I could apply to my own life. Like many(I’m sure), I’m not genetically a man, nor am I non-heterosexual (still deciding on gender), but the books I’ve read from this author almost make me wish I was, if for nothing more than the sense of community and family. I know it doesn’t work that way, but still. ❤️