One of the very first things I noticed when I began listening to this audio book is that the only two people described by their race were the Black hooker and the Black thug/robber. All others were described by their characteristics-blue eyes, red hair, etc., never as, “The White…” It was also interesting that, although most of the novel was set in New York City (one of the most diverse cities in the country) the obviously all White group never stumbled upon even one minority worthy of joining them or who was doing anything notable, other than looting, robbing or hoeing.

The author’s obvious bias made me want to return the book after the first few chapters, but I decided to finish it. I wish I hadn’t because it turned out to be the typical unimaginative, cookie cutter post-apocalyptic prepper book that I’ve read so many times before. The antisocial, war vet antihero with the complicated past was the icing on a very predictable cake.

Suggestion: This author needs to get out of his bubble and understand that the stereotypical caricatures he has created may reflect his idealized version of the world, but do not reflect reality.