“This book was given to me for free at my request and I provided this voluntary review.”

Typical litrpg formula of normal person gets thrown into magical world where he needs to fight monsters to level up and get new skills. Except in this one, the protagonist is on the side of evil? Kinda. He was recruited by evil but vows to only do good. That’s a bit hard when everyone wants to kill you, though. Also, he’s a Dungeon Keeper (TM)!

It’s like a cross between Hero of Thera by Eric Nylund, and Dungeon Born by Dakota Krout. Despite the familiar formula, it’s a fun book and the narration is great.

One of the things I was particularly happy with is that there weren’t too many “stat screens” – just the narrator reading out lists of skills and stats. Oh there’s a few, but not nearly as many as some other litrpgs.

All in all, a good experience and I’ll get the next one when I’m in the mood for a litrpg again.