That Jane and Lizzy had a different mother than the pushing, embarrassing, favorite playing, nerves getting no respect Mrs Bennet we know from canon gives us the chance to escape Longbourn and experience a kinder and richer environment for our favorites Bennet girls when they go to live with their maternal noble grandparents, and their cousins.

Coincidentally, the Darcys are family friends of the grandparents so Mr Darcy and Georgiana are spending much of their time at the Montforts once Darcy discovers Elizabeth there and her connections.

There isn’t a lot of drama or angst besides ODC making amends for past mistakes and overcoming their own fears regarding the other’s feelings.

Elizabeth has to have a show down with her father and stepmother, only one of whom feels any conviction regarding the conversation and makes changes.

Bingley plays a sad role in this story and what happens to him in the end is beyond sad.

It may not be perfect but we’re introduced to some lovely new characters I will look forward to visiting with again. I loved the Grandfather and the teasing cousin. And the romance between Darcy and Elizabeth is given lots of page time which I appreciate.