Hays’ performance still remained good with this book so nothing to complain there, 5/5.

This book was however quite short and felt like some weird side-story that wasn’t a side story because of the length. In addition, I’m not sure what to think about Thirsty, the new side character that was added to the story. I wouldn’t call the whole thing contrived, but it bugged me that it felt like this character was tossed in just so Corvin could go on some rant about religion and make some statement about homosexuality. This all considering the fact that at the end of this book Thirsty just up and leaves.

Completely unrelated, but this mystery and intrigue about what Dolos is doing and the severity of what’s to come had best be impressive, otherwise the hype that Corvin is building behind it is going to look stupid. I mean come on, whatever that is happening is so bad a demigod nearly pees her self?

4/5 on story due to shortness and the Thirsty thing. Overall still 5/5 and I’ll read the next book.