This had an interesting plot and premise, but fell a bit flat for me. I think Joel Leslie did a great job on the narration. I just wasn’t convinced on the actual plot and romance aspects.

There’s a one-sided enemies to lovers going on, where Kit is in this rivalry against his step-brother, Ethan. Kit is dramatique, over the top, and could really benefit from a communications course. All of his one sided bickering at Ethan started to get old for me, especially when Ethan barely put up any resistance on showing/saying that he was into Kit for ages. The tension wasn’t there for the amount of ‘enemies’ Kit claimed they were.

The plot in this was both Indiana Jones adventure and dragged on in areas. This wasn’t quite grasping me as an action popcorn story, I wasn’t a jungle adventure slash travel adventure piece, and this didn’t feel like an uber romantic story, just something kind of in between.