Not bad, for children, or if you’ve never listened to Defiance of the Fall, by J.F. Brink. So far this just seems to be a cheap knockoff of literally the best series out there!
I’ve listened to All of the Lit RPG’s and while most of them are similar, I usually don’t care. However, In July of 2021 J.F Brink released his first book in the Defiance of the Fall. One of my favorite Series! I found it extremely unique and fell in love, the series has only gotten. better and he is releasing the 13th book of the series June 26th, I can’t wait!

anyways, although this book has seemingly “borrowed” allot from that’s book, it bores me with its childish plot, combat scenes and development of its characters. maybey I’m being too harsh, but it simply pales in comparison to Defiance of the Fall 🙁