this book is a little hard to recommend. it’s good but it’s also really hard to get back into Jason’s Story after reading three books straight where Finn is the hero. and this book it’s Jason directly against Finn so throughout the whole book you don’t want to like either one of them because you’ve come to view both of them as protagonists. also, the great character development that happened in the earlier books has kind of been set aside for larger set piece battles which I’m not really into personally. so when about half of the book is descriptions of big battles it leaves me a little cold. but if you’re into blow by blow descriptions of huge city-wide battles this book is for you. As per my previous reviews, the word “crimson” is used far too often. Dear written please come up with some synonyms. we won’t be offended if you just say red occasionally. Lastly, a note to the person narrating the book. The word “carrion” is not pronounced “carry on.” It’s not a British farce.