I took a chance as I’ve been able to as an Audible member trying the first in this series. I’m pleased to say each successive book has continued to get better and more in depth with the original as well as bringing in new characters.

By no means is this a complaint, just and observation…How many comic book, TV show, and other well known Sci-Fi series or movie from Trek to Wars to Farscape to Babylon 5 to Ghost in the Shell is this author going to make? If he is doing these things for those who might get the references, fine. I’m certainly getting all of them. However, as a fan of all listed…I wished he make these references in better ways to seem done on purpose instead of just not having a better expression or fresh idea how to say or so something. My biggest issue is with the over use of the word ‘Fraggin’. The alternate use of formerly not allowed use of profanity was first circumvented by B5, then by Farscape, and most likely best known by BSG series by Ron Moore & David Eick. C’mon M.R. —- couldn’t you have thought up your own word, or just use some real world profanity? I’m pretty sure the profane word ‘shit’ has become such a regular everyday conversational word…known one would even notice if any of your characters said it. Some of the situations in your saga certainly could use the words ‘OH SHIT?!’ Exclaimed by the characters in appropriate circumstances instead just one swear word overused.

Whatever the case… I will continue to look forward to the next installment when it comes out! Keep up the good work, but PLEASE don’t fall into the trap of predictability.