Going to start by saying I’ve loved this series so far. Including the side quest books. Little things here and there that annoyed me but in the end the author always brought it back around and made it great. I am currently 6 hours 49 minutes and 22 seconds into this one and I am stopping it to listen. to something else. I will come back and might change my review score but for now I just can’t keep listening.

Spoiler down here. And some complaining.

Seriously? It’s been well established since her first introduction into the series that Evaline is a Uber C**t. All the other characters know this. They also know and state fhat they can’t trust her. But somehow, even knowing all that, within just a few short hours of the “Justice League” getting together she has them all insecure and stupid. Fight amongst themselves. Giving away secrets that they would rather die or fight an army than tell someone. Seriously? I really thought the insecure sh*t was solved 2 books ago. And on top of that just coming from Happy, where Death and Taxes were written to be super bada** and now are the shittiest type of merc, con artists. Went from loving their group of misfits to hating them all.

With all that said, I will be coming back to this book. I know in the end I’ll look back at it and love the story, for the most part. But right now I’m just heart broken by it. Feels like first or second book drama being put in place to force more character development. Which isn’t necessary. So many other routes could have gotten to the same end result in my opinion.