Narrator was top notch. Will listen to more of their work. The books, however, just aren’t for me.

I can get behind the idea of terrorist attacks disabling the country. Very plausible idea. I can get behind the idea of someone being a “prepper” or “survivalist” or whatever. Honestly, I feel ill-prepared for ANY emergency after listening to this, so it may be time for me to remedy that.

The main character is a bit of a Mary-Sue. There apparently isn’t anything that he isn’t prepared for. Much like Phineas Fogg, he typically has in his possession just the thing to through any emergency. Or, he has just the right “knowledge” to get through anything, leaving others he encounters with “I told you so” smugness whenever his predictions come true.

And, too, the MC is a bit of a sexist, racist, and classist. Within the first few minutes you know what he thinks of women in general. Anytime he encounters someone with tattoos, they’re immediately classified as low-class, probably a criminal, in his mind. Foreigners? Forget it, they’re a drain on society. People that live in trailers? According to the MC, the majority are all living the good life at taxpayers expense with only a few people on welfare actually needing it. At least according to the MC. Someone doesn’t like guns? Well, they’re immediately labeled as “offended liberals”, despite these specific characters saying ANYTHING about their political ideology.

All in all, this series is a right-wing prepper’s wet dream. The libtards get owned and everyone else is stupid, weak, useless unless they’re in the MC’s family. This could’ve have been a captivating story without the misogyny, overt racism and classism.