If you’re a Clare Lydon fan, there are two important facts you need to know about this book. First, it’s set in the US, which means no sexy British accent in the narration. Still, TJ Richards was great and enjoyable to listen to.

Second, it’s not as sitcom-y as her other books. I found myself asking, “where’s the funny?” And then, it came in chapter 10…and every other time a particular character came into play. But overall, this was not a “laugh until your sides hurt” kind of book.

Still, there were the expected (unexpected) twists, the storyline that sucks you in, and again, just enough angst to make it impossible to put down.

As a bonus, the book contains a few instances of alliteration which I’m pretty sure were put there on purpose…and I really enjoyed those.

So overall, 5/5 and a great read, though I am hoping the next novel is back to hilarious & British.