Read the story for yourself to find out but it was nothing but a huge disappointment for me. Every enemy is really a misunderstood ally. Every plan is within other plans within other plans to an absurd degree. The elites of the game “all” struggle to defeat one rando who doesn’t appear until book 5. It’s not even an NPC it’s an actual person who’s way better at the game than the MC but so was Fin bassed on my observations. Everyone has to have some deep seated reason for playing an online game like cancer, saving a dead loved one. like really essentially no one just plays because they want to or for profit fame? The story just seems overly engineered to make people emotionally invested though it has the opposite affect and ended up being a drag. Maybe George will be a true enemy but I suspect hes an ally in hiding as well probably just trying to spend more time with his wife. I’m not sure there are any true enemies in this story even Gloria was just concerned about her child’s safety and has some PTSD type issue.