I read this book probably two years ago and loved it so when I came across it in Audible I really wanted to hear how it would play out and I was not disappointed.
The love and friendship Brant’s Mom and Theo and June’s Mom had is where we have to start because if they had not had such a wonderful bond the Bailey’s most likely wouldn’t have taken Brant in. Then there is the friendship and love between the two boys and then June. While I read the story and even more while listening to it you could just FEEL it it was so sweet. I loved how protective they were of their June Bug.
Then when it turns to more… when things happen with Theo again it shows just how much love he has for Brant he is only thinking of forgiveness and all he can picture is his June Bug as a little girl with bouncing blonde curls…
This entire book for me is about love, forgiveness, friendship, loyalty, and family. I would recommend this book 110% I LOVED IT!!