It Is Awesome. How He came up with this…

I really do not know. It has never crossed my mind that there was a book that could soundly put gaming and religion… no matter how rude you may think it is once you listen to it… together. I mean… even someone who has never been to church knows about God and his son Jesus, Even if thats the only story they heard about. And so, the main character has to kind of walk that line of preaching religion of a different “God” while trying to survive in a gaming world and mistakingly having a crazy loyal zealot by his side, while trying to get enough followers, so he can go back home. Again, in one sense you may be offended and in another sense, you understand the characters situation, and find it funny the author has kind of uses a gaming book to preach pieces of religion. I actually believe, that if the author had made it a regular gaming book about some stories in the bible, any bible, that people would be offended but then there would be so many more, willing to read it because it is literally put in plan english and in a way that may be preachy but vastly entertaining for those whom would never pick up a bible, and know anything more than the story of how Easter came about.