EMP Days of Panic: EMP Survival Series, Book 1 by Jack Hunt and narrated by Kevin Pierce takes place on and after New Years Eve. Either a CME or HEMP is used against the United States of America. The Four main characters in NYC each had been going about their day but end up in Times Square and were arrested and herded in to the same Paddy wagon right before the event occurred. This single event of being arrested is the factor that saved them. As a plane crashed in Times Square and brought them together as a group.

Mr. Hunt has crafted a diverse group of Primary characters named Elliot, Maggie, Jessie and Damon who ultimately decide on a goal to go Lake Placid in upstate N, Elliot’s former home. Elliot left his wife and children when his war-induced PTSD became too much to bear a moved to New York City and became a street person and eventually a mole person living in the underground tunnels. The secondary characters are Elliot’s wife, children, Brother-in-law Gary, 2 generic opportunistic scum bags, all the basic small town characters of Lake Placid that did not make a real impression on me. None of the characters names stuck in my memory.

The book really held my attention and I became invested in about half of the group leaving NYC and wanted the others half to be left behind. For me, it comes down to a generational thing and a PTSD thing. I totally related to Elliot and his inner demons. I could relate to leaving family, but I only have my elderly mother, so a family is not as much of an issue. Elliot’s issue with not trusting other really resonated on a deep level. I but when someone you deeply care about is in danger you will move heaven and hell to help or save them no matter the personal physical or emotional cost.

The narration by Kevin Pierce was just awesome. When it comes to the Post Apocalyptic genre he is the go-to vocal talent. Mr. Pierce is able to voice the feelings of the characters in these horrific situations he has this perfect voice for the genre. He can quickly get you invested in the story and the characters. The audience is along for the journey with characters and most loving every minute of it. The production quality of this audiobook is also topnotch. I heard no problems with it all. I recommend giving this title a listen if you are a fan of Kevin Pierce, Survival Fiction, or Post Apocalyptic Fiction.

I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.