Audible had recommended this book to me less than a week ago. I listened to the sample and figured I’d give this a chance.

Before I knew it, I was so enthralled that I had bypassed listening to anything else for three days straight. (Book 2 closely followed with another three days of nearly straight listening.) This book was composed with such effort that it has had me talking about it constantly to other people.

So, now I’m recommending the book/series to everyone who enjoys books about swords and sorcery with comedy mixed in throughout.

One fact I must impart upon all those who read this, do not imagine the characters are from modern society. Instead, the characters are more like people from the darkest point in our dark ages. Lives were short and fragile, people were superstitious, almost all were illiterate, and critical thinking was at an all time low.

I have read reviews complaining about how stupid the author was for leaving such huge ‘holes’ in the writing. They continued with stating facts that are common in today’s society, but they had also neglected to include the fact that the story did not, in fact, take place in our world nor with our technology.

There were also a few who were complaining that the one narrator was performing all the voices of the people. If it was Michael Winslow, we might be able to have someone performing about a dozen voices and be able to tell the difference. However, the character count in book 2 exceeds two dozen, if not approaches three dozen. There were also several people complaining that the story didn’t indicate long periods of time passed. And, yet, the Harry Potter books did the same thing and their reviews were borderline fanatical about that particular series without once complaining about the same concept. Consistency is apparently not their strong suit.

I know this review doesn’t really have any spoilers, which was intentional. I feel this book needs no spoilers beyond the sample. I hope the readers give this series an honest chance. So, I recommend buying this book and sitting back with either a mindless task or just sit in the dark and give this a listen. Let your mind’s eye take you to a world of mystery and entertainment.