All right, admission time. This book combines two awesomely talanted individuals, whom I deeply respect. Corvin has anability to write a battle scene that will simultaneously make you sweat from fear and laugh uproariously at the same time. His characters are real live people, and you feel every emotion they display. His dialogue is sharp and witty, and his plots are skillfully interwoven.

Jeff Hays, is without a doubt, the best narrator I have ever heard. He is the Andy Serkis of narration, stepping into a role and making it his own while staying true to the character and not disrespecting the writer. Seriously, this guy is the Lon Chaney (Sr.) of voice actors. He can play male and female, human, dwarf, alien, god, etc. You name it and he will have a voice for it.

The Delvers books only getter better and better as they move on, with the stakes continuously raising, danger mounting, and the team having a hard time staying together.

If you aren’t reading this series then you are only hurting yourself. It is packed full of great fight scenes, hot chicks, magic, powerleveling, jokes, and a jerkface god named Dolos. You have to realize that by not reading this series that you are causing irreperable psychic harm to your brain. Don’t fry your brain, get this whole series and see what you have been missing.