What would have made Targeted better?
Making the title character the focus of the book would be a good start. Instead the listener is assaulted with the pomposity of an author who is way too much in love with his own opinions.

Secondly, the non-chronological presentation of the story is an unnecessary and unwelcome distraction which acts merely as a whimsical effort to manufacture drama. It fails on all counts.

Finally, his claim to be a victims rights advocate is laughable, as the majority of the book is peppered with sycophantic police worship. He repeatedly states that suggestions of corruption or misdeeds by police is ludicrous and only claimed by desperate criminals looking for an easy out. I have no idea if there is any police corruption in this case, which is another indictment of the book, as a good presentation would have addressed the issue more comprehensively. But it’s never really allowed to be considered, just dismissed. At the very least, it’s poor storytelling!

Would you ever listen to anything by M. William Phelps again?
I try to never say never, but I am not inclined to listen to anything else if the tone is as obnoxious as in this effort. Midway through the book, I started to think about the answer to this question, and hoped I could say yes, to give the author another chance. I’m struggling with that now.
What about Kevin Pierce’s performance did you like?
Wonderful job presenting the narcissism and vitriol conveyed by the author. I’m amazed at how some narrators can capture that so well, even if the work is substandard.
You didn’t love this book… but did it have any redeeming qualities?
No. Honestly, no. I had thought perhaps it would be a unique take on the true crime genre, which I suppose it is. But it gets so bogged down in the author’s insecurity and disdain, for the world at large (for not taking true crime seriously), the publishing industry (for forcing commercial demands on the artist), and the subject of the book herself (for passive-aggressive demands to an author she is not worthy of questioning). In short, he’s a pathological whiner.
Any additional comments?
The review left by Henriette on 03-01-18 hit the nail on the head. I only wish I’d seen it before I purchased this dreck.