(early story spoilers chapter 27.)
I’ma have to put a review here at this point just because one thing has gotten a bit ludicrous.

So far everything is fantastic as an audible goes. The writing is fantastic, the story is fantastic, the narrator is fantastic. However, I am somewhat past the midpoint in chapter 27, and at this point in the story my immersion is completely broken though it has held up under a normal suspension of disbelief until now. At this point we are multiple days into a nationwide, perhaps world wide, attack causing massive destruction and death and mayhem. Yet, the author is still writing as if stores and mercantile locations would still be accepting cash, infact being cash only. I simply find this intolerably immersion breaking. With the level of destruction that has been described, the cities and number of cities that have been listed as a sampling of those under attack, I feel it is suspension of disbelief breaking to act like anybody would still be accepting cash, to act like there would be any portion of the civilian population that wouldn’t be in full-on panic mode, etc etc ad infinitum I find this highly distressing given the up until now level of accuracy with which the story has unfolded. The very fact that the internet, cell phones, and T.V. and radio stations are still operable is already beyond the realm physical possibility, but that is accepted for now as part of the story. However, at this point, the lack of breakdown has become beyond painfully slow and reached the realm of unbelievable. Did you even take half a minute to think this through? You got almost every major city in the US, a massive who’s-who of secondary and famous cities, as well as well known small cities facing almost utter destruction as a sample list of targets being utterly destroyed, people being gunned downed and missiled to death in the streets across multiple sized populations on one hand, and people still selling bean burritos out of taco bell on the other? Seriously Author, what the actual flipphone…..

I am definitely going to continue with the story and series as it is and see where it goes, however I could not not leave this reply because it’s simply ridiculous that anybody would be accepting cash at this point given the level of destruction and death having been described so far.