H1 is gay and denial and self hating. After a year of being with H2 as teens and absolutely in love he not only breaks up with him and breaks his heart when his homophobic dad found out but he PHYSICALLY assaulted H2.

12yr later he pops up and I’m thinking H2 will have some resolve because he has an inner monologue about how horrible H1 treated him but he has zero resolve! H1 pops up and he’s like sure come to home without even saying a single word yet and the instant you apologize we’ll sleep together.

There was no groveling. No nothing. Just “I’m sorry for what happened (12yr ago when he beat and said atrocious things to the man he was in love with). Followed by I’m not gay you were just a phase and Leo wilts like a weak little pathetic flower and instantly forgives him and loves him again and is the one to stop H1 from leaving and initiates sex.

Then H1 keeps showing up at H2 house randomaly and goes on about how he hates himself for being there, excessively carries on about how not gay he is and loved the woman he was with and the MCs werent real and H2 just sits there. Doesnt make him leave. Just sits there and gets mushy the instead H1 says anything not crappy to him. smh

This couldve been saved if H2 put up any resistance. He shouldve shut him down and shut him out until H1 groveled and chased and begged.

I have absolutely no tolerance for weak MCs who don’t make others earn their forgiveness or make amends before before pathetically taking them back or in this case being even more pathetic by being the one to CHASE AND PURSUE THE PERSON WHO WRONGED THEM .

I love alot of Riley Harts books but the books of her i dont love, I absolutely hate because she writes some insanely weak characters sometimes.