This was my first book from Lise Gold and first narration from TJ and I’m sure glad I found them both. I was a little reluctant to finish the book, cause Im mostly into faster paced books, thanks to my short attention span. Thank you ADHD, love you too. But somehow, after 4 hours of listening, I didnt even realize the chapters flew by. All of a sudden I had 3 minutes left and an emptyness in my heart that only comes after finishing a great book that you just wish to forget and experience again.

I loved taking a peek into issues brought on by living the life of a celebrity and of course, the theme of mental health and depression hooked me in for many reasons I wish I wasn’t able to identify with. Suicide and attempted suicide are issues rarely talked about in my culture and very frowned upon, as is therapy and it was very refreshing too see it being a big part of this story. For once, it helped someone get their happy ending. Or, a happy beginning in Ella’s and Cam’s case.