Spoiler alert: So I have read the whole series. I liked the way it started. Interesting take on a pandemic. But the character development is not good. Especially by the last book, the characters do things out of character and against human nature. Worst of all is the lack of knowledge of the weapons by the author or military skills. I liked the beginning of the A American series because the main character was a prepper but not ex-military. So there is forgiveness in weapons choices, tactics, etc. But if you are going to write about an ex-military guy who is described as a former combat arms and most likely infantry holed up in his farmhouse, then he is going to have skills. Especially with combat tours under his belt. Marcus Battle is described as a the worst Infantry Officer in history. (By the way, the Army stopped using HMMWVs on combat patrols a long time ago – they use Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected – MRAPs). Battle has prepped his house for the Apocalypse and decides the night before a possible attack he will put out the wimpiest booby traps sporadically? A good Infantry officer would have every in of his perimeter set up with traps and ways to channelize his enemy into his fields of fire. He would have dug burms and better fortifications. His priceless resources were in an unprotected warehouse in Texas? Why no have an underground shelter? Easier to cool in hot summers and protected from tornadoes. I could go on and on. And the bad guys only carry shotguns? I would understand AK-47s or SKSs because they are everywhere. But Browning shotguns? Who even owns one of those? I wanted to like this book. But there are too many inconsistencies in the story line related to character explanation and lack of research related to military side. Dont waste your time on this series. If you did, I am sorry.