Let me start this by saying that I am a big SE Smith fan. I always enjoy her books so when I found this one on audible I downloaded it right away. There was something just off on this one. Maybe it’s because I never connected with the heroine – Carly. Probably because I always find it cheesy when an unaware human stumbles on a paranormal world but was always so crippling obsessed with said paranormal that they didn’t function properly in the real world – in this case it’s dragons. Then there’s the annoyance with characters who make obviously flawed decisions. I also found Drago (a really bad name for a dragon, in my opinion) didn’t quite do it for me as an alpha male. Yes, there was a certain amount of bossiness that I find endearing and in those moments he was very likable. Then there were the other times where he seemed whiney, almost. I don’t hate this book, I just wanted more.