
– Jeff Hays is a cake addicted mimic… I honestly don’t think more needs to be said.

– New characters are introduced without it feeling overwhelming.

– Power progression is pretty good if a little vague, its not your standard I have 1 OP skill that makes me the strongest in the land story and I am here for it.

– Overarching objective and side quests have been firmly established have been established and the world building was done pretty decently.


– MC is more tolerable than the first book, but the internal monologuing can get tiring and repetitive (found myself skipping through a lot of that).

– Every noble is snobby, incompetent, or downright evil and its gets tiring to hear the MC’s one-sided assessment all the time. Adding a bit of variety and maybe a noble that tells him he has no idea what its like to come from that world (everyone always vying for power from the day you are born, assassination’s, treachery, politics, etc.), It would do him and the story some good to know that while his life was/is hard a noble life is no cake walk either (pun intended).