The world the author created was really interesting. sci-fi, steampunk, world lore, this was something I really loved and wanted more of.

I think this marketing is misleading. I felt convinced walking in that I would be hooked into this intricate adventure/love story. I truly don’t think it needed to be pride and prejudice. A fun enemies to lovers story can be achieved without being the goal of your syoru. If that was the goal that the marketing was toting along, this book failed.

I don’t feel like this is the writer’s fault, I think this comes off as an editor or publisher pushing the author into vague character archetypes. The main characters come off as juvenile in their writing, which cheapens the adventure aspects and takes away focus from rich world that I feel was the first intention. I don’t think you need to make another Elizabeth and Darcy. Case and Hallie deserved to stand on their own without this idea of who they are being pushed on us. Their histories and personalities are so interesting but I hated how much they seemed pushed into a Pride and Prejudice outline. It shows no bravery for who the author knows them to be.

I don’t blame the performer on this, but I do think having a masculine voice in for Hallie changed the intention of the words for the character. I do wish they had a fem voice actor in for Hallie.

Ultimately, walk in with no expectations. It all comes off as setting up for a sequel rather than being interesting on its own. I would read the sequel, and I do believe this author capable of writing a beautiful love story, but this ain’t it.